The Future of AI Assisted Finance Organizations

Part 1: The Emerging Roles

The Future of AI Assisted Finance Organizations
Frank Aaquist
October 2, 2023
Digital transformation

AI is coming fast, and most of us are not sure what this advanced technology is offering, what impact it will make and what it means to our everyday and work life.

This new technology will absolutely make an impact. Tasks will change, roles will change, organisations will change, but how does the future look like?

The promise of AI is vast, from automation to prediction, and from personalization to optimization. Yet, with this promise comes a range of questions. Will jobs be replaced or merely transformed? How can individuals and organizations prepare for this impending shift? What skills will be paramount as we navigate this new terrain?

Beyond the tangible alterations in our job descriptions and daily tasks, there are deeper implications to consider. The ethical dimensions of AI, the balance between man and machine, and the societal repercussions of this advanced technology are all areas of contemplation. As we face this technological revolution, understanding and anticipation become our key allies.

Moreover, how will organizations, big and small, adapt to these changes? Will traditional business models withstand the AI wave, or will they be completely reimagined? The integration of AI isn't just a technological challenge but also a cultural one. The successful transition to an AI-augmented world requires not just technical readiness but a shift in mindset and approach.

The AI Revolution in Finance

The emergence and integration of AI and Autonomous AI agents within the finance landscape promise sweeping changes that will profoundly impact the way finance organizations operate. As these technologies continue to evolve, they're set to redefine not just the tasks and processes but the very structure and roles within these organizations.

Evolving Organizational Structures

Historically, finance departments have been hierarchical, with clear lines of authority and reporting. However, as AI takes over a significant chunk of routine and operational tasks, especially those in the middle layers, we might witness flatter organizational structures. The focus will shift from overseeing operational work to strategic thinking, decision-making, and advisory roles. It won’t be surprising if dedicated cross-functional teams, merging the expertise of finance, IT, and AI specialists, become commonplace. These units would be pivotal in implementing, monitoring, and continually refining AI solutions tailored for finance.

Emergence of New Roles

New roles are set to emerge. AI Strategists, who bridge the gap between tech and finance, will be at the front of guiding the strategic deployment of AI solutions. They'll ensure that AI isn’t just an add-on but is synergistically integrated into the finance function. Similarly, as AI’s influence permeates deeper, the role of an AI Ethics Officer will become indispensable. They will guarantee that the AI models employed are transparent, non-biased, and ethically sound. Another significant addition would be that of Data Stewards and Curators, who will be gatekeepers for data quality, relevance, and security.

Transformation of Existing Roles

However, it’s not just about new roles. Existing roles will undergo transformation too. Accountants, for instance, will find the nature of their job evolving from mundane data entry to more analytical and advisory roles. The AI would handle data validation while humans interpret its outputs, providing nuanced insights that AI can't. Financial analysts, on the other hand, would divert their energy from data gathering to focusing on advanced predictive modeling and strategic foresight.

The Evolution of Roles in the AI-Driven Finance Department

The finance function, historically rooted in numbers and ledgers, is moving towards a transformative change. As AI technologies make their mark, there's a profound shift not only in the tasks being performed but also in how finance teams are structured, and roles defined. Let's look into how the traditional organizational hierarchy of finance departments might evolve in the rise of AI's growing influence.

Traditional Finance Department Organizational Chart:

This hierarchical model is well-understood, with each tier having specific responsibilities:

  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Director of Finance
  • Finance Managers
  • Financial Analysts
  • Accountants

... and so on down to the granular roles such as Accounts Payable/Receivable Clerks and Payroll Clerks.

Each segment of this structure has its specialty, from overseeing the organization's overall financial strategy to handling the intricacies of daily transactions.

Finance Department Organizational Chart with Full Impact of AI:

The AI-enhanced finance department is less of a hierarchy and more of a network of specialized roles that lean on AI for efficiency and accuracy:

  • CFO remains at the top but with a broader view integrating AI's capabilities.
  • AI Strategist: This new role spearheads the fusion of AI technology with finance strategy, ensuring that AI solutions are seamlessly integrated.
  • Data Steward/Curator: With AI's heavy reliance on data, this role is paramount, guaranteeing that data used is of the highest quality and is relevant to the tasks at hand.

... and the list continues with roles transforming from being task-oriented to strategy and oversight-focused.

Significant Shifts in the AI-Influenced Finance Department.

With the AI revolution gathering pace, finance operations stand at the forefront of an AI-driven transformation. This isn't just about the automation of tasks but a more profound, fundamental shift in the very fabric of finance operations and roles:

  • Automation of Routine Tasks: Mundane tasks like data entry, basic calculations, and initial report generation, traditionally the domain of junior finance roles, would be predominantly automated.
  • Rise of Strategic Roles: Rather than just managing numbers, professionals will interpret and strategize based on insights provided by AI. For instance, Financial Analysts will evolve into Strategic Financial Analysts, diving deeper into data interpretations, insights, and foresight.
  • Cross-functionality: The line between traditional finance roles and those in IT, data analytics, and ethics will blur. This fusion will birth roles that are hybrids, demanding expertise in both domains. An AI Ethics Officer, for instance, will need to understand both the financial implications of decisions and the ethical considerations of AI models.
  • Agility in Function: With AI rapidly processing data and offering insights, finance teams would need to be nimble, adjusting strategies in near real-time based on AI recommendations.
  • Continuous Learning: As AI evolves, so will its applications in finance. This constant evolution will necessitate a culture of continuous learning within the finance department, spearheaded by roles dedicated to training and upskilling.

While the integration of AI will undoubtedly redefine roles within the finance department, it's crucial to emphasize that AI is a tool, not a replacement. The future finance department, powered by AI, will be a harmonious blend of technology and human expertise. AI will handle data, patterns, and routine tasks, while humans will bring strategic foresight, ethics, and the irreplaceable human touch to the table.

The future organizational chart

New, dynamic roles are set to emerge, harnessing the capabilities of AI, reshaping the way we work, collaborate, and innovate. From operations to marketing, from HR to supply chain management, the infusion of AI promises to redefine processes, making them more efficient and data driven. As we look into this exciting future, let's envision how a conventional organization might reinvent itself, adapting to the profound impact of AI across its operations.

With AI advancing fast into daily operations a new role emerges: Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer (CAIO). A CAIO, is a senior executive responsible for the overall strategy, development, and implementation of artificial intelligence initiatives within an organization. The role of the CAIO is to ensure that AI is used to achieve the organization's goals and objectives, in a responsible and ethical manner.

The CAIO will be responsible for a wide range of tasks, including:

  • Developing and implementing the organization's AI strategy
  • Overseeing the development and deployment of AI solutions
  • Managing AI risks and ensuring compliance with ethical guidelines
  • Advocating for the responsible use of AI within the organization

Building and maintaining relationships with key stakeholders, including customers, partners, and regulators

The CAIO role is becoming increasingly important as AI becomes more widely adopted by organizations of all sizes. As AI becomes more powerful and sophisticated, it is important to have a senior executive in place who is responsible for its responsible and ethical use.

Here are some of the benefits of having a CAIO:

  • Improved AI strategy: The CAIO can help to develop and implement a comprehensive AI strategy that is aligned with the organization's overall goals and objectives.
  • Accelerated AI adoption: The CAIO can help to accelerate the adoption of AI solutions by providing leadership and support to AI teams.
  • Reduced AI risks: The CAIO can help to identify and mitigate the risks associated with AI projects, such as bias, privacy, and security risks.
  • Increased AI trust: The CAIO can help to build trust in AI by ensuring that it is used responsibly and ethically.

Overall, the CAIO role is essential for organizations that want to maximize the benefits of AI while minimizing the risks.

Current Roles in Accounting

Traditionally, accountants have been responsible for a variation of tasks that range from the minutiae of daily transactions to the larger, overarching strategy of financial planning. Here's a snapshot of their typical roles:

  • Recording Transactions: Capturing daily business transactions and ensuring they are categorized correctly.
  • Financial Statements Preparation: Crafting income statements, balance sheets, cash flow statements, and more.
  • Analysis: Delving into financial statements to extract insights and identify trends.
  • Tax Work: Preparing tax returns, advising on tax implications, and planning for future tax liabilities.
  • Auditing: Independently verifying financial statements to ensure accuracy and compliance.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Predicting future financial outcomes based on historical data.
  • Accounts Receivable and Payable Management: Tracking monies owed to and by the company.
  • Payroll: Ensuring employees are paid accurately and timely.
  • Maintaining Financial Security: Implementing controls to prevent fraud and errors.
  • Asset Management: Overseeing company assets, ensuring they are utilized efficiently, and planning for future investments.

With the evolution of advanced AI technologies, many traditional accounting tasks are undergoing transformation:

  • Recording Transactions: Automated systems now handle repetitive transactional tasks with greater speed and accuracy.
  • Financial Statements Preparation: AI-driven tools can draft initial statements by seamlessly integrating with other financial systems.
  • Analysis: AI algorithms can comb through vast datasets to highlight anomalies or significant trends.
  • Tax Work: Simple tax preparations are becoming the domain of AI, coupled with predictive analytics for proactive tax planning.
  • Auditing: AI's ability to rapidly scan data means faster and more comprehensive audits.
  • Budgeting and Forecasting: Preliminary forecasts are being shaped by AI, drawing from vast historical data pools.
  • Accounts Receivable and Payable: Automation is revolutionizing reminders, payment processing, and reconciliations.
  • Payroll: While automation in payroll isn't new, AI introduces enhanced error detection.
  • Maintaining Financial Security: AI-driven fraud detection is becoming the gold standard for identifying unusual patterns.
  • Asset Management: Predictive analytics driven by AI is helping businesses foresee asset performance and needs.

The domain of accounting, steeped in tradition and precision, is at the brink of a monumental shift, primarily driven by the rapid advancements in AI technology. While the foundational principles remain, the tools and methodologies employed by accounting professionals are evolving at an unprecedented pace.

Automation, enabled by AI, is transforming the once manual and time-intensive tasks, freeing professionals to focus on strategic decision-making. The newfound efficiencies brought about by AI not only promise heightened accuracy but also foster proactive approaches in areas like tax planning and asset management.

However, as these tools gain prominence, the human touch remains invaluable. AI provides the tools, but it's the human acumen that steers its application. The future of accounting will undoubtedly be a harmonious blend of human expertise and machine intelligence, maximizing the strengths of both realms.

The Future of Accountants in an AI-Dominant World

While AI’s rise might seem like a threat to traditional accounting roles, it opens a new era where accountants can elevate their responsibilities:

  • Shift to Advisory Roles: Accountants will be more involved in shaping business strategies, offering financial planning advice, and driving growth.
  • Deeper Analysis: With AI managing preliminary analysis, accountants can focus on interpreting findings, providing deeper insights, and formulating actionable recommendations.
  • Continuous Learning: To remain relevant, upskilling and familiarizing oneself with the latest technological tools will be indispensable for accountants.
  • Enhanced Decision Making: Armed with AI-driven data, accountants will be at the forefront of guiding businesses towards informed decisions.
  • Customization and Personalization: Accountants will play a pivotal role in tailoring AI outputs to match specific business strategies and goals.
  • Ethical and Regulatory Oversight: In an AI-driven world, accountants will be the sentinels of ethical considerations and regulatory compliance.
  • Relationship Management: As ever, the human touch remains irreplaceable. Accountants will nurture and strengthen client relationships, understanding their unique needs and ensuring satisfaction.
  • Complex Problem Solving: Where AI falls short, human ingenuity will step in. Accountants will tackle intricate issues, ensuring that solutions are holistic and in line with business objectives.

In essence, the fusion of AI in accounting doesn't mark the end but rather a transformation of the profession. As automation handles routine tasks, accountants can focus on higher-value roles, underlining their irreplaceable importance in the business landscape.

Skills for the Future

But it's not just about roles and structures. The skills required in this new landscape will witness a shift. While technical skills and understanding of AI will be valuable, soft skills will be paramount. As routine tasks are automated, human-centric skills like leadership, critical thinking, empathy, and effective communication will gain prominence. Finance professionals will need to gear up for a culture of continuous learning. Regular workshops, training sessions, and possibly even collaborations with educational institutions might become the norm to ensure a steady influx of updated talent.

Looking Forward

In this transformative phase, forward-looking finance organizations will view AI not as a threat but as an ally. It’s a journey of collaboration between human expertise and machine precision, each amplifying the other, setting the stage for a more efficient, insightful, and strategically aligned finance function.

Human Elements - Resistance to Change

As finance organisations are facing an AI-driven era, they must consider more than just the technological aspects of this shift. At the heart of every organization are its people, and any change, particularly one as profound as AI integration, inevitably stirs emotions, concerns, and resistance. Understanding and addressing these human elements is paramount to ensuring a smooth and successful transition.

The Fear Factor: The integration of AI and automation into the workplace frequently brings with it an undeniable undercurrent of anxiety for many employees. Central to this apprehension is the looming question of job security. Will AI take over their responsibilities? Is the expertise they've honed over the years gradually fading into obsolescence? Such concerns can manifest in various ways, from declining team morale and heightened staff attrition to overt opposition to the introduction of these innovative tools. Organizations must not brush these anxieties aside as mere reluctance to adapt. Instead, it's imperative to validate and address them, ensuring that both the emotional and professional needs of employees are considered and supported during this transformative period.

Open Communication and Inclusivity: One of the most potent tools an organization can wield during times of change is open communication. Keeping employees in the dark, or only offering them a partial view of the situation, can accelerate fears and rumors. Finance operations should prioritize transparent dialogues, offering clear timelines, objectives, and reasons for the AI integration. Town hall meetings, feedback sessions, and inclusive planning can make employees feel valued and part of the change rather than victims of it. By fostering an environment where concerns are heard, questions are answered, and the vision is shared, organizations can navigate the human challenges of AI integration with empathy and understanding.

The Vital Human Touch - Oversight and Intervention

During AI's transformative rise within finance operations, it's tempting to be captivated by the promise of machine-driven precision. However, as advanced as these systems might be, they aren't flawless. There’s a irreplaceable value of human expertise, acting as a counterweight to AI's strengths and guaranteeing the harmonious union of man and machine.

AI’s Limitations: Artificial Intelligence, for all its computational might, still has boundaries. Machine learning models thrive on patterns, and they base decisions on historical data. This reliance can lead to several challenges:

  • Data Bias: AI is only as good as the data it's trained on. If this data carries biases or inaccuracies, the resulting AI models can perpetuate or even exacerbate these flaws.
  • Lack of Context: While AI can process vast amounts of data, it often lacks the context that humans inherently understand. For instance, an unprecedented economic event might distort financial data, which AI might misinterpret without the broader context.
  • Overfitting: In their quest to achieve accuracy, AI models can sometimes become too tailored to the training data, losing the ability to generalize and make accurate predictions on new, unseen data.

The Role of Human Oversight: Even with the most advanced AI systems in place, human oversight remains paramount. Here's why:

  • Judgment Calls: There are instances in finance where decisions aren't black and white. Here, human intuition, experience, and judgment are invaluable, offering insights that AI might overlook.
  • Ethical Considerations: Financial decisions can sometimes have ethical implications. AI, being data-driven, might not always align with an organization's ethical stance, necessitating human intervention.
  • Quality Control: Regularly checking the outputs of AI models ensures they remain accurate and relevant. Humans play a crucial role in auditing these outputs, ensuring they align with real-world scenarios and expectations.

Training for Intervention: As AI takes a more central role, it's crucial for finance professionals to know when and how to intervene. This requires training that focuses on:

  • Understanding AI Outputs: Professionals should be well-versed in understanding the outputs and recommendations generated by AI, allowing them to spot anomalies or errors.
  • Scenario Planning: Through simulations and case studies, professionals can be trained on potential situations where AI might falter, preparing them to step in effectively when needed.
  • Continuous Learning: AI is a rapidly evolving field. Regular training ensures that finance professionals remain updated on the latest AI advancements and potential pitfalls.

The synergy of AI and human expertise promises to redefine the landscape of the finance department. While AI brings efficiency, speed, and data-driven insights, the human touch ensures adaptability, ethical grounding, and nuanced decision-making. Balancing the strengths of both is the key to navigating the future of finance.


As we reflect upon the expansive horizon of AI's integration into the world of finance, several truths become evident:

AI is Not a Replacement, but an Augmentation: The role of AI is not to usurp human roles but to augment them, making processes more efficient and freeing professionals to focus on higher-order, strategic tasks. It's the amalgamation of machine precision and human intuition that promises a transformative impact on the financial sector.

Continuous Adaptation is Key: In this ever-evolving landscape, both individuals and organizations will need to adopt a mindset of continuous learning and adaptation. The skills of tomorrow will not solely revolve around technical proficiency but will also emphasize human-centric capabilities.

Ethical and Cultural Considerations Take Center Stage: As AI systems become more integrated into daily operations, the ethical and cultural dimensions of these implementations will play a pivotal role. Ensuring fairness, transparency, and inclusivity in AI models, and promoting a culture of trust and openness among employees will be paramount.

Human Oversight is Non-negotiable: Despite AI's advances, the importance of human oversight remains undiminished. Human intervention ensures the application of context, ethical considerations, and quality control, offering a counterbalance to AI's data-driven decision-making.

Collaborative Future: As the boundaries between traditional finance roles and domains like IT, data analytics, and ethics blur, the future will witness the emergence of hybrid roles. These roles will champion collaboration, demanding a fusion of expertise to navigate the AI-augmented financial landscape.

In essence, as we stand at the crossroads of an AI-driven financial future, the journey ahead is one of collaboration and balance. Embracing AI's potential while honouring the unique strengths of human expertise will pave the way for a more dynamic, efficient, and insightful finance departments. The challenge lies in navigating this transition with foresight, adaptability, and an unwavering commitment to ethical and inclusive practices.

Frank Aaquist