Embedded AI

API-driven and natively integrated into your platform.

As a native API service, Kaunt’s powerful AI becomes an integral part of your ecosystem, enhancing functionality and delivering real-time intelligence without disrupting your customer's workflow. Unlock the full potential of embedded AI with Kaunt, where innovation meets effortless integration.



White Label AI

Embedding Kaunt's AI into your platform allows you to present advanced AI capabilities as your own. With whitelabeling, the AI seamlessly integrates into your platform, strengthening your brand identity and giving your customers the impression that these cutting-edge features are a native part of your offering.


Enhanced User Experience

Users interact with AI-driven features directly within the familiar environment of your platform, creating a seamless experience. By integrating AI natively, you eliminate the need for users to switch between tools, leading to higher satisfaction and engagement as they enjoy powerful functionalities without any added complexity.


Continuous Innovation with Reduced Maintenance

With Kaunt managing the AI infrastructure, your platform benefits from the latest advancements in AI technology without requiring constant updates or maintenance from your team. This allows you to stay competitive and cutting-edge while reducing the burden on your IT resources, enabling your team to focus on core competencies and more strategic initiatives.


Cost Efficiency and Scalability

Leveraging an embedded AI service through an API reduces the need for expensive, in-house AI development. It also minimizes the costs associated with integrating and maintaining standalone solutions. As your platform grows, the AI scales effortlessly, ensuring you can meet increased demand without incurring significant additional expenses or disrupting your infrastructure.